
All posts tagged instamoms

Chronicles of a Millennial Mom

Published 11/11/2021 by Noorhan Aboubakr

Hello fellow mamas! Welcome to your ugly truth of enjoying motherhood. Here, I’ll be sharing some snippets of being, not only a millennial – the generation who’ll forever be confused and anxious as f*** – but also, got married and decided to bring kids to this world.

Oh, and there will be lots of swearing, so if you’re one of those judgy moms with their lululemon pants, this blog is not for you. Please get on with your perfect little life.

Okay, are we ready now? Let’s go.

This will not be an Instagram-pink-heart-feel-good type of blog. You know these Instagram mom accounts where the moms look gorgeous, with their makeup and lashes always done and their house is always clean? Her four kids and husband look like they are walking off of the runway? I hate those moms!

One swipe on their page and you already feel like shit. You have a messy hair bun that has been up for days, there is spit and vomit on your shirt, and there are toys everywhere. So today, we don’t want to do that, we don’t want moms to feel like shit, like I did. I won’t tell you it’s easy, but maybe I’ll help you out when you can’t sleep at night.

This blog is not going to be in chronological order, or following anything specific. I’ll write what I want when I want. I’ll write what my readers want to read (:

Raising a kid is hard, mama. They say it takes a village to raise a child, they’re not wrong. And you know what’s worse, you’re not even in your country, or with your family, and it gets overwhelming. I promise you I have a piece dedicated just for this: The loneliness.

And let me get one thing straight: You don’t have a baby cause you’re bored. Or you’re reconciling with your partner. Or you just had make-up sex. Or because you felt lonely. Or the in-laws are stressing you out. You have a baby when you’re physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially stable and ready – I can’t even stress the last part hard enough.

But on the other hand, raising a kid is a blessing. There’s a tiny human in your belly that you feel since day 1. Watch them grow, get all the parenting books you can put your hands on, had heartburn, puke your stomach out in morning sickness, then you push out for HOURS, man, and you tear down there (Or they cut you up!) then you get to hold a tiny mushy potato that has no features wrapped like a burrito, but you fall in love with them forever. A piece of your heart is outside of your body in this human. You literally can’t help but fall in love. Everyday.

But I also want to smack this little toddler. They are vicious. But that’s another story.

This is just an introduction, you’ll see me again in either depressing writings, or funny, or black comedy, cause this is my coping mechanism. And I hope my writings can make you relate a little, and realize that you’re not in this alone. We are all in this together.

*cue High School Musical Song*